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About Us

The Rooted Baby Co.
"Rooted in Love. Rooted in Culture."


Well, hello! We're so glad you stopped by to get to know us. My name is Alfreda Abena. My husband and I have been together since 2012 and married since 2014. We welcomed our first child, Noah Kofi in spring 2018.  He was my inspiration and I created The Rooted Baby Co. in honor of him.

As a child, my father would tell me and my younger siblings stories about his life growing up in a little mountain village in Ghana. He told us about his parents, and the legacy left by his grandparents and great-grandparents. Stories of running and hiding from his older brothers in bushes with the sweetest berries, watching his mother cook with love, and of the vibrant celebrations the whole village would share. Through these stories, old pictures, and visits, I have always taken pride in my roots. It's a thought that is always in the back of my mind. It's a part of what defines me and is a driving force behind my much too many (read: never enough) stacks of vibrant Ghanaian art and fabric.

When I gave birth to Noah Kofi, I naturally wanted to share my roots and love for Ghana with him. I not only want to recount the stories but to give him tangible pieces of Ghana in his everyday life. One day, frustrated with the selection of unique baby items, I decided to go into my stack of colorful fabric and make him some baby accessories from scratch. This is how The Rooted Baby Co. was "born" celebrate our roots and yours, Ghanaian culture, and pass it on to the next generation. 

Come learn about Ghana and celebrate the culture with me and my family! Make a striking statement with items as simple and bold as baby accessories. Our roots, your roots, are only just the beginning of the story. 

-Alfreda Abena


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